Thursday, August 14, 2008

Proud Prats

The guys (Marky) INSISTED I put up these as well:


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Freaky Fridays

Warning: This tale is not entirely accurate. None the less...

(Male # 1 = Marky
Male # 2 = Chris
Female # 1 = Heidi)

This is how this explicit story began. (I'm not sure if explicit is the right word but it's the word that came to mind...God given...)

Male #1 gets blue paint on his pants.
Male #2 gets pink paint thrown in his hair and runs to the safety of Male # 1's room (followed in hot pursuit by a vicious 13 year old by the name of Lily...or of the 2).

Males # 1 and 2 decide to go to sleep when female # 1 decides to ring the door bell to make the inhabitants aware she has arrived. Sleeping people awake to the sound of the bell...skipping a few minutes, Male # 1 (Marky) is in the kitchen in his underpants washing the paint out of his over pants with the help of male # 2 (Chris). Female # 1 (Heidi) asks several times what is in his pants and gets no answer. Is upset and hereby decides the males are self centered and goes off to find the cat. Lost and not found, returns to males, only to find male # 2 pouring bottles of various colors of acrylic paint on his hair as well as male # 1’s. The fumes sting the nostrils (not in a good way) of female # 1 as well as females Lily and Rosa. Someone requests the use of the camera and this is how these photos came to be. Tada!

Chris: "Marky, we have to make really bad ass faces for this one..."
A tad wrong
Marky: "I look like Van Couver!"
And there's me...
-Heidi the horrendous

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009