Monday, March 17, 2008

Birthdays And Holidays!

Greetings. I have an announcement to make. As most of you know, today is St. Patricks Day!--As well as my brother Josh's 21 birthday! So happy day everyone and happy 21st Josh. Love you lots!

"Oh YEAH!" haha

Blessings all ye,
Heidi :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh Yeah!

I’m going to show off some of my skill now. I can draw creepy woman of all shapes and sizes (no men, sorry, cause they usually end up looking gay). They aren’t good quality at all cause I don’t have a scanner, so I just used my camera.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Trina was a special girl…for the most part…mostly. She was a wonderful, loving and exciting person to be around. But then there’s those time’s when you just need to focus on the things she did worst so that you can appreciate that ‘wonderful, loving and exciting’ part of her that she had. It won’t take long but I’m sure by the time we’re done you will be very happy
she wasn’t like this most of the time, and that you got to play a very important part in her life – a true friend. And for her sake, CRY ALL YOU WANT! Well here are the memories:

She wasn't the most careful person in her younger years...

Spent the last wasted half of her life in an old folks home...

Tried her best to cheer people up, but to no avail...

...And usually ended up FREAKING them out

Ruined moments routinely...

Always seemed to be strangling someone either physically or emotionally...

Wasn't the best cook...
But through all of it we loved her because we all need to learn to cope with screwed up people right? Think about it.
-Heidi xoxox

Monday, March 3, 2008

Girls...Let's Shave!

Hair, yes its everywhere. But you don't have to let it control you, oh no, there is a remedy to this "incurable" disease. Although most educated woman know this...many don't! (Or their sick and just don't care, or need attention and want everyone to look at them oh eww.)

Right well its a weird world.
Maybe you were talking to your friend yesterday, thinking "Hey why don't we grow our under-arm hair out, make a statement and try to be different!". Well before you try that one let me show you her last date and help you make up your mind!

(Her:) Yeah I know I thought it would be a good addition your beard!
(Him:) know can't...I don't....umm ha wow ....what is that, scented. Well it goes with your breath,...I mean personality...I mean hey...whats that sound (under his breath) *ring ring*, oh hey I have to take this. OH hi bro,....whats lost your eye......what, paper the dark......ok well do you have your shoes now?..oh good...ok I'm on my way. Hey look I had a wonderful time but as you can see its pretty serious, so I'll call you later.
(Her:)Ok well give me your number.
(Him:)OH ha no no I'll call you bye. (he exits)
(Her:)But you don't even have my number. Gosh what was that like the 1,00,000.00 guy I've dated today. That's it.........I need to find some sheep.

And the lord shall deliver those that run away.

And another thing, boys as much as we love you, we just don't want to look like you!
And that my friends is why there are pills for depression.

And there's arms. Well lets just say last time I knew someone that went out with hair on there arms,......well they were shot. But I'm sure they went to heaven, so lets be happy for her.

Right well that's our secret of life for today. And remember guys, you dont want to be that guy that wouldn't come out of the bathroom at your friends puzzle and game night party. Especially if your a deep sleeper!
But hey he doesn't know!

P.S. Ever wonder why FGAs aren't invited to wild night parties??

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In Memory Of Tina

We will celebrate the birth of mentalism, produced by Tina and I. Harassing pirate statues, Walmart dressing room workers, Big Lots customers, blow fish, crocodiles, random children, etc...but the story has a good start off: us 12 year olds finding sand dollars at the beach. Now for picture viewing. Take caution, the photos below are graphic. Consider the side affects before viewing, as young and old viewers may have nightmares (meaning scary images of us running through their head at night). I was not able to put our 243 pictures or more (yes, I actually did count) but enjoy what I can spare.

A glimpse of what we like to do in our free time

Tina you always were violent...

Biggest hooker that pirate ever had


R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009