Friday, February 22, 2008


Don’t ask why, but I’m gonna talk about feet. To start, I want you to know that your feet are VERY special. Never underestimate the usefulness of them. You can pick things up, paint a portrait, (I’ve tried that one my self as well as tried to write the alphabet haha remember Tina?!?) Below is picture proof that feet help you with more things than just balancing yourself.



F.L.U.S.H. said...

DANG, now those are some sexy, creative shots right there. I think that your photography skills are rubbing off from Mindy, or maybe vice-versa? haha

Taire and Clina said...

duude hahha i rember the alphabet thingy....and yes mine was more readable than yours dont even try to deny it rahhah ooh i love you heiidi your blog looks good

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009