Friday, February 22, 2008


Where were you February 18, 2008?!? Well I'll tell you where you should have been if you weren't there, FREE STORE.
Oh thats right - free socks, free underwear, free sports bras, shoes, books, blankets, and yes even bathing-suits (alright I lied, Sara stole the only bathing-suit), but that didn't steel our hope for acceptance.
Well I can see your lost so we'll have to take this slow and execute the point.
So on this fateful day (the one mentioned up at the top) a band of fearless, highly trained, professionals, geard up the courage to tackle free store and rescue the partly naked children of Mexico! (Alright so I'm twisting the story, but Heidi we need to make others think that we're making a difference in the world!) So in order to cloth them and protect their bodies from the ever so hugery heat of the sun, we had to see to it that the cloths were properly tested, and that they could last through outrageous postitions!
Alright its time to meet the gang!
I know, we're just to hot for you!
The leader of this fearless band...I know I'm disgusting, but one learns to love it.
Comrades in Arms.

Right so there we were trying to make life a safer and hate free world, then all of a sudden, we started being attacked by strangers, and doubts of rejection for our glorious deeds!
So Michael (a little in touch with his feminine side) quickly jumped to Santi for a bit of manly protection!
That's it Santi be strong.
I, of course, went to the aid of Leylend, who would have been helpless without me!

Rachel, obviously ahead of us all, just laughed, as she releasted some of the tention in her rather tight high under/over pants.
Well in the midst of the confusion I suggested we take cover, in case of any delayed nervous break downs, its always good to be close to the ground! (Remember that kids!)
So under the table we went!
Yes, Leyland, thats it cover your eyes and no one will see you!
And no, Michael, thats not for eating!
Well, it was a good thing we were under the table, becaues earlier that morning it was ranning, so we could have gotten wet!
But we discovered it was safe to come out so return to victory we did!!
Heidi: What about me???

Ha, oh yeah, Heidi was there too!
Trying to fit in! LOL
Well all this to say we had a wonderful family fellowship, so Happy Birthday Family!!! You've fought well!!
And now for a normality picture!

Alrght I lied, there's something very wrong here.

Well I'm tried, so good night!!


F.L.U.S.H. said...

Gees these posts just leave me breathless! So awesome, power packed, fun and suspensive! Love it keep it up. And hey I don't think that I have your hi5. I have someone named Annie, that has pictures of you, but is that yours?

The Life and Adventures of a Giant Wench said... dare you do something so unnormal without ME!!! SOB!!! oh i love you guys....

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009