Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A New Post For A New Day!

Hello everyone. Let me assure you there are very good reasons for my absence in posting. I have recently almost broken my thumb, and typing ONLY with my left hand is pretty difficult, cause I am right-handed. I really wish I had some pictures to show you of the gash, ("Oh, look at this gash, right on the side of my leg...and I can't even feel it") it is most disgusting. But hopefully it will heal up quickly so I can get back to school and the rest that requires my right hand. I also believe I suffered some brain damage from this accident, as it came as quite a
shock -- 3:00 a.m. Yes, that's right. I was only trying to shut my window when it decided to SLAM on me! Anyway, I must be off. XooxOx (Big kiss, little hugs, little kiss, big hug, little kiss)
Art by Josephine Wall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahah no way dude! i got this huge bruse on my knee the other day. it is green and purple and red and blue and brown and black and even a little pink. i have no idea how i got it. at least you remember how you almost cut your finger off...or at least you think you did. can never be too sure these days...
miss you tons.

oh and i have no thing to post about except that my nieces are cool and i pretty much break my back trying to give them rides everyday. but just for you ill try to make an exciting post about...
ill figure it out

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009