Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Girls, Girls, Girls

Mindy came. Mindy left. Rachel left. I am depressed. Woe is me...and them. But we have good times to think back on, and here are some photos (of Mindy and post is with Rachel's) I think are able to be published without scaring all the kind visitors that take their time to venture to mine and Trina's humble blog.
Happily drinking our coffee after a long day in the sun running from a security guard

Aww Mindy's so cute trying to cross her eyes

"Shut it down girls! It's scaring me!"



Humphrey the Whale said...

Aww you guys both look so cute I LOVE YOU!!!!

I'm digging your mixed JUICE by the way...ahahahaaaaaa oh well can't say my liquor situation is much better...all things considered you and I are going to raid and plunder Santi's flask and small brandy bottles at Christmas, and that's just the way it's going to be.
I mean everything I ever say ever, because I'm, ....., .....! *laugh laugh*
Leyland: I'm who? What are you guys saying? Who are talking about?
Heidi and Rachel: *Cackle laugh sputter laugh laugh*
ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa i. want. liquor. I'll leave you with that thought.

Flo-flo said...

haha you should have taken the picture by the "ostrich"

Humphrey the Whale said...

ooh ooh and i got the "Shut it down girls! It's scaring me"
oh yeah gigiddy gigiddy

Anonymous said...

Minders broke tradition

Mindy Rose said...

god i didn't even see the post.. tsk tsk.. you have made me laugh for the night.. i love you bum!!

Anonymous said...

heidi your blog gives me the giggilies oh i love it....
you and mindy are so fucking hot its unfair
and you passed up taking a picture with an quite dissapointed
ooh i miss you


R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009