Monday, September 28, 2009


It is 11:54 p.m. on a Sunday night (Sunday, SUNDAY!) and I’m filled with a variety of edible things. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. I’m here to talk about the weather, believe it or not (at least for a bit). It’s cloudy, windy, and rainy – my favorite type of weather. It makes me just want to wrap up in Eman’s blanket (which turned out not to be his blanket, after all, but that’s another story) and read a good novel. But since I DON’T have a good novel, I’ve decided to post! But I really don’t know what to say. I haven’t blogged since July something, and I hear nothing coming to mind…except for…the Mexican radio. Why is that even on? Don’t ask me. I was thinking earlier today of an excuse why I haven’t been posting as much as I should. I came up with a few good ones: I shouldn’t need to write down what my days consist of, and definitely not what I’m thinking, in public. If you want to know, ask me personally. If I don’t want to answer you…well, we’ll think of a solution to that later. See, it all works out beautifully, I mean, these 52 posts are all rated G! And you wouldn’t think Trina and I were able to do that, would you? That’s why we always say “you learn something new every day!”

Something to lighten the mood:



Anonymous said...

fool i waited for you to call me for like 6 days now? blame Katrina she should have reminded you, i told her i was waiting.

Heidi Marie D'Abadie - Trina Marie Noell said...

hey fool, i still don't know who i'm supposed to call, cause you didn't leave your name! :0 get real! -heidi

Heidi Marie D'Abadie - Trina Marie Noell said...

ohhh it's anki! dude, don't count on trina to pass anything for me, seriously. (no offence, trina) i don't have a cell minutes at all, so you'll have to cal me...write me...something!!! -heidi

His Worship said...

a post! God is still on the throne then. How nice.

I don't remember what it was about though I shall have to read it again

His Worship said...

oooh the word verification is repent! how cool is THAT! the clowns are coming aaaaaaaaaaaaa

Eman said...

I'm sorry about that blanket. Really. I should have left you my sheets.

His Worship said...

I just read this again today. It was awesome. I enjoyed it very much. The end.

Anonymous said...

Dear goodness, please just go on "Girls Gone Wild" where you belong.... your blog and life are so uncreative! you are so typical of your age, culture, race, societal conditioning and un-original that it's sad. AND.... yes, you CAN be summed up in one sentence.

Heidi Marie D'Abadie - Trina Marie Noell said...

it's really sad when someone can't even reveal their true identity in a comment. do you have an inferiority complex? -heidi

p.s. people you don't know can NEVER be summed up in one sentence

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009