Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Hate Note -- To Heidi

Oh, why must ye be such a rectless tomorment to eyes, ears, and even my very being.
Making everyone around you hate you so much that they rather put a gun to their head
and pull the trigger then spend one moment with you. Saying sorry in your head but
having no one forgive you, for the guilt and torment you put everyone under. Is this a
spell, or just another broken soul looking for something more, you get everything you want.
so dont make the rest of us suffer for it when you don’t.

-Miracle Rosalie Oehler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord. you're totally black mailing me with this! haha... whoever reads this, please take note that this was a VERY long while ago, as you can clearly see me and Heidi are bestest of buddies.

Editors note: obviously she can't write poetry.

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009