Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

So cliché, but what do you expect, "Happy Halloween"? Sorry, only Mindy and I can say that on W. Jefferson St., standing on crates, waving mops about our heads, and throwing rocks at passerbys, when it was REALLY New Years. That was a really fun time, by the way. Well, I do hope your day was filled with lots of chocolate, roses, and the color red! I know mine wasn't. Actually, everything BUT the red. I almost accidentally picked out a red shirt to wear today, but remembered it was Valentine's Day and it would be terribly gay to wear one just like everyone else. Hash. Uh I meant to say “haha". Happy Valentine’s Day.



Anonymous said...

happy hallowene would be nice. especially if it like a tribute to frank and his bad ass ability to make little water fountains while gerard is getting arrested by the nypd and his deep burning desire to kill obama. haha love you

His Worship said...

Awww we love Alice and Jasper yes we do!! Can't wait for New Moon and Eclipse where Jasper actually


The Life and Adventures of a Giant Wench said...

i completely forgot about valentines day!!! seriously did....i have waaay to much on my mind and none of it was romantic

Heidi Marie D'Abadie - Trina Marie Noell said...

haha yes...but i've already dedicated 2 posts to frank...and what are you going on about water fountains for? haha i'm you too xxx -heidi

Anonymous said...

haha it's from the new "desolation row" video. you gotta see it

R.I.P Dear Diary -- Our recorded life and thoughts from 2008 - 2009